1. Songs must be submitted through the form on this page. We will not accept songs sent to us via email, DM or comments on our YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, etc.
2. You must follow the rules for the specific playlist you are submitting to. You can find the rules below.
3. You may submit one song per playlist per month.
4. Playlists will be updated once a week on Mondays. Your song will remain on the playlist for 4 weeks.
5. Share the playlist when your song is added (tag @extremevocalinstitute)
6. Reasons a song may not be added to the playlist: link submitted does not work, song doesn't have vocals, poor production (i.e. can't hear vocals or significant mixing issues beyond stylistic choice), did not follow submit instructions, invalid link sent (no links to your artist page please).
Extreme Vocal Institute offers private vocal lessons and online courses taught by David Benites, expert in vocal distortion and touring vocal coach for metal artists.
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